Scholarly Chess Article References
By Bill Wall
Philippe Chassey and Fernand Gobet published �Risk taking in adversarial situations: Civilization differences in chess experts� in Cognition, volume 141, pp. 36-40, August 2015
Abdullah Al-Saedi and Alu Mohammed published �Design and Implementation of Chess-Playing Robotic System� in the International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, Vol 5, Issue 5, pp. 90-98, May 2015.
Mensure Aydin published �Examining the impact of chess instruction for the visual impairment on Mathematics� in Educational Research and Reviews, vol 10(7), pp. 907-911, April 2015.
M. Chhangani and R. Sushir published �Wireless Powered Chess: - A Review� in the International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Vol 3, Issue 2, March-April 2015.
Stephen Wittek published �Middleton�s A Game at Chess and the Making of a Theatrical Public� in SEL Studies in English Literature, vol 55, number 2, pp. 423-446, Spring 2015.
V. Gupta, A. Kumar, et al, published �Autonomous Chess Playing Robot� in the International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol 4, Issue 3, March 2015.
A. Ericsson, Y. Gong, and J Moxley published �Recall of Briefly Presented Chess Positions and Its Relation to Chess Skill� in Public Library of Science, March 2015.
Kieran Greer published �Dynamic Move Chains and Move Tables in Computer Chess� archived at the Cornell University Library, March 2015.
Ivan Bratko, Matej Guid, and Simon Stoiljkovikj published �A Computational Model for Estimating the Difficulty of Chess Problems� in the Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2015
Pawel Stepien published �Nonlinear analysis of EEG in chess players� in the EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics Journal, 2015.
YoungCul Kim, GueeSang Lee, Tam Nguyen, and Quang Vo published �Tensor voting, hough transform and SVM integrated in chess playing robot� in the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Article No. 67, 2015.
V. Roychowdhury and M. Simkin published �Chess players� fame versus their merit� in Applied Economics Letters, 2015.
Sighart Golf published �Doping for Chess Performance� in Sports Medicine & Doping Studies, 2015.�
Jamai Munshi of Sonoma State University �published Evaluation of Alternative Continuations of Chess Openings on the Social Science Research Network, January 2015.
From East Tennessee State University, a dissertation titled The Phenomenon of Abstract Cognition Among Scholastic Chess Participants: A Case Study by Brent Laws (December 2014) at
From National Louis University, a dissertation titled The Game of Chess: a Conduit To Increase Student Academic Achievement in Pinellas County: A Policy Advocacy Document by Douglas Williams (December 2014) at
From the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a dissertation titled Politics, Chess, Hats: The Microhistory of Disunion in Charleston, South Carolina by Lawrence McDonnell (2014) at
U. Chakraborty and D. Sharma published �An Improved Chess Machine base on Artificial Neural Networks� in the International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014.
Scott McCoy published �Chess and the Art of Voice Pedagogy� in the 2014 issue of Journal of Singing.
From MIT, a thesis entitled Design, implementation, and evaluation of a social learning network for Chess was published by Shen S.M. Shen in 2014.
From the University of Oslo, a thesis entitled Observing impact of performance variation in cloud games using a chess engine was published by Jonas Sollihogda in 2014.
From the University of California Santa Cruz, a dissertation called� Storming Fortresses: A Political History of Chess in the Soviet Union by Michael A. Hudson (September 2013) at� I am one of the references dealing with Alexander Alekhine.
From the University of California, Los Angeles, a dissertation titled The Morality of Mental Practical Action by Ira Richardson (2013) at with several references to chess.
From the University of California Santa Cruz, a dissertation titled Mechanizing Exploratory Game Design by Adam Marshall Smith (December 2012) at with several references to chess.
From Capella University, a dissertation titled Women and the organizational chess game: A qualitative study of gender, discourse, power, and strategy by Pamela Linden (2012) was published.
From Five Towns College, a dissertation titled The impact of scholastic instrumental music and scholastic chess study on the standardized test scores of students in grades three, four, and five by Edwin Martinez (2012) was published.
From Maastricht University, a thesis titled Best-Reply Search in Multi-Player Chess by Markus Esser (2012) at
From Morgan State University, a dissertation titled The impact of chess instruction on the critical thinking ability and mathematical achievement of developmental mathematics students by Darrin Berkley (2012) at
From Rice University, a thesis titled Chess performance under time pressure: Evidence for the slow processes in speed chess by Yu-Hsuan Chang (2012) was published at
From the University of Ljubjana, a dissertation titled Monte-Carlo Tree Search in chess endgames by Andraz Kohne (2012) at
From the University of California, San Diego, a dissertation titled The �Other� in the Machine: Oriental Automata and the Mechanization of the Mind by Ayhan Ayters (2012) at� There are references to chess automatons.
From the University of California, Building the Second Mind: 1956 and the Origins of Artificial Intelligence Computing by Rebecca Skinner (2012) at� Chapter 6 deals with chess, checkers, and games.� Also, Building the Second Mind, 1961-1980: From the Ascending of ARPA-IPTO to the Advent of Commercial Expert Systems by Rebecca Skinner (2013) at with several references to chess.
From the University of California, Los Angeles, a dissertation titled The Hikaya of Abu al-Qasim al-Baghadi: The Comic Banquet in Greek, Latin, and Arabic by Emily Selove (2012) at� There are several references to chess.
From Purdue University, a dissertation titled Chess at play: A schoolteacher�s narrative of chess, curriculum, and social mobility by Jeffrey Bulington (2012) at
From the University of Palermo, a dissertation titled Chess and Mathematical thinking Cognitive, Epistemological and Historical issues by Giuliano D�Eredita (2012) at
From the University of Warwick, a thesis titled Chess Mentor: A Model of Chess Developed with Empirical Modelling Concepts by Cem Ozturan (September 2011) at
From Tel Aviv University, a thesis titled Boundaries of the priming phenomenon: evidence from performance by chess experts in the field by Igor Bitensky (2011) was published.
David Barrett and Wade Fish published Our Move: Using Chess to Improve Math Achievement for Students Who Receive Special Education Services, which appeared in the International Journal of Special Education, vol 26, number 3, pp 181-192, 2011.
From Wurzburg University, a dissertation titled Feature processing and feature integration in unconscious processing: A Study with chess novices and experts by Carsten Pohl (2011) was published.
From Lakehead University, a dissertation titled Age trends in expert chess: is aging kinder to the initially more able? by Karin Almuhtadi (2011) was published.
From Capella University, a dissertation titled A study of the effects of constructivist-style lessons on novice players� abilities to play the game of chess by Daniel Wesche (2011) was published.
From the University of Pennsylvania, a dissertation titled Does Playing Chess Improve Math Learning? Promising (and inexpensive) Results from Italy by B. Romano (2011) at
From Texas A&M University, a dissertation titled Using chess to improve math achievement for students who receive special education services by David Barrett (2010) was published.
From the University of California, San Diego, a dissertation titled Automated Planning in Very Large, Uncertain, Partially Observable Environments by James Vaccaro (2010) at with several references to chess.
From the California Italian Studies, Arrigo Boito�s Short Stories by Nicholas Perela (2010) at with several references to chess.
Francis Mechner published �Chess as a Behavorial Model for Cognitive Skill Research: Review of Blindfold Chess by Eliot Hearst and John Knott� in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, vol 94(3), pp. 373-386, 2010.
From the University of California, San Diego, a dissertation titled Essays on Biased Self Image by Young Joon Park (2009) at� There are several references to chess.
From Trinity College, Dublin, a dissertation titled Lord Lyttelton and the Educative Role of Chess by Tim Harding (2009) was published.
From Tilburg University (Proefschrift Universiteit), a dissertation titled New architectures in computer chess by Frits M.H. Reul (2009) at
From the University of Arizona, a thesis titled Computer Chess: Exploring Speed and Intelligence by Paul Raymond Stevens (May 2009) at
From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a dissertation titled Chess as a key to solving Nabokov�s �Koral�, dama, valet� by James Slater (2009) was published.
From Florida State University, a dissertation titled Reviewing Expert Chess Performance: A Production-Based Theory of Chess Skill by Roy Roring (September 2008) at
From Ohio State University, a dissertation titled Chess, philosophical systematization, and the political legacy of the Enlightenment by Florian Vauleon (2008) was published.
From the University of Houston, a dissertation titled Scholastic chess club participation and the academic achievement of Hispanic fifth grade students in south Texas by Ninfa Garcia (2008) was published.
From Nipissing University, a dissertation titled The effects of learning to play chess on the nonverbal reasoning abilities of grade 5 students by Timothy Pearson (2008) was published.
From Florida International University, a dissertation titled The Structure of Games by David Kaiser (2007) at with references to chess.
In 2007, International Master David Levy wrote his dissertation, titled Intimate Relations with Artificial Partners (sex with robots).
From the Translation Studies Journal, �Capturing in Passing� by Julia Schoch and translated by �Zaia Alexander (2007) at with several references to chess.
From the University of Minnesota, a dissertation titled Cognitive transfer and conservation in chess playing by Michael Atherton (2007) was published.
From the Center for Bioinformatics and Molecular Biostatics, Chess, Chance and Conspiracy by Mark Segal (Aug 28, 2006) at
From the University of Amsterdam, a thesis titled Alpha-Beta with Sibling Prediction Pruning in Chess by Jeroen Carolus (2006) at
From the University of Minnesota, a dissertation titled Cognitive effects of chess instruction on students at risk for academic failure by Saahoon Hong (2005) was published.
From Yale University, a dissertation titled Konrad of Ammenhausen�s �chess-book�: A case study of late medieval book production and readership by Inis Muller (2005) was published.
From Ben Gurion University, a thesis titled Using genetic programming to evolve chess endgame players by Ami Hauptman (2005) was published.
From the University of Bath, a thesis titled Acquiring and Using Knowledge in Computer chess by Tristan Caulfield (2004) was published. (source:
From Case Western Reserve University, a dissertation titled Duchamp�s Chess Identity by Bradley Bailey (2004) was published.
From the University of Houston, a dissertation titled The relation between gender, age, giftedness, and chess activity and attention in middle school students by Terry L. Anderson (2004) was published.
From the Technical University of Denmark, a dissertation titled Parallel chess searching and bitboards by David Ravn Rasmussen (2004) was published.
In 2004, Ozgur Erkent wrote a thesis called An eye movement analysis of chess players across levels of expertise: an electrooculography study.
From Carleton University, a dissertation titled Doctoring strange loves or: How I learned to stop worrying Stanley and love monsters in scholarship, chess, films and architecture by Masud Taj (2004) was published.
From Touro College, a dissertation titled Visual-spatial skills of children that play chess by Alaina Brandefine (2003) was published.
From the University of Pennsylvania, a thesis titled Rook Theory and Matchings by Daniel Cain (2003) at
From the Blekinge Institute of Technology, a thesis titled AgentChess � An Agent Chess Approach � Can Agents Play Chess? by Henric Fransson (2003) at
From Concordia University, a dissertation titled Design and implementation of a chess-playing program in the Java programming language by Francois Laramee (2002) was published.
From McGill University, a dissertation titled An FPGA move generator for the game of chess by Marc Boule (2002) was published.
From the University of Chicago, a dissertation titled Gender, play, and power: The literary uses and cultural meanings of medieval chess in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries by Jenny Adams (2002) was published.
From Bern University, a medical study titled Hopelessness is associated with decreased heart rate variability during championship chess games by Alfons Schwarz (2002) was published.
From the University of New Mexico, a dissertation titled The psychology of social chess: Cognitive adaptations for navigating complex social problems by Paul Andrews (2002) was published.
Pertti Saariluoma of the University of Helsinki published �Chess and content-oriented psychology of thinking� in Psicologica, Volume 22, pp. 143-164, 2001.
From Harvard, a dissertation titled Modernism�s gambit: poetry problems and chess stratagems in Fernando Pessoa and Jorge Luis Borges by Karen Pena (2000) was published.
From Harvard, a dissertation titled Cognitive and Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Expertise: Studies with Chess Masters by Christopher Chabris (1999) at
From Louisiana Tech University, a dissertation titled A quantitative analysis of the effects of chess instruction on the mathematics achievement of southern, rural, black secondary students by James Paul Smith (1998) was published.
From Antioch University in Seattle, a thesis titled Chess: the academic and social connection for girls by Brenda Brotherton (1998) was published.
From the University of Victoria, a dissertation titled The truth about pawn promotion: the development of the chess motif in Victoria fiction by Glen Downey (1998) was published.
From the University of Essex, a dissertation titled Practical Recommendations to Chess Players from Sports Science by Kevin O�Connell (1997) at
From the University of Sussex, a thesis titled Beautiful Mates: Applying Principles of Beauty to Computer Chess Heuristics by Ben Walls (1997) at and
From the California State University, a dissertation titled Chaucer�s use of chess terminology: A stylistic analysis by Elisabeth Jordan (1997) was published.
From the Sports Academy in Moscow, a dissertation titled Structure of Special Preparation of High-Level Chess Players by Viorel Bologan (1996) was published.
From the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, a dissertation titled Learning Logical Exceptions in Chess by Michael Bain (1994) at;jsessionid=2175F95018026ADFB2A28DF01269A458?doi=
From the University of California, Santa Cruz, a thesis titled Distance: toward the unification of chess knowledge by Richard Snyder (1993) was published.
From Purdue University, a dissertation titled Playing chess: A study of the transfer of problem-solving skills in students with average and above average intelligence by Philip Rifner (1992) at
S. Fried published �Chess: a psychoanalytic tool in the treatment of children� in the International Journal of Play Therapy, 1992.
From Columbia University Teachers College, a dissertation titled Chess strategies: A course of study designed as an introduction to chess thinking by Stephen Schiff (1991) was published.
In 1991, national master Eric Schiller wrote his dissertation entitled An Autolexical Account of Subordinating Serial Verb Constructions.
From Carnegie Mellon University, a dissertation titled Large scale parallelization of alpha-beta search: an algorithmic and architectural study with computer chess by Feng-hsiung Hsu (1990) was published.
From Carnegie Mellon University, a dissertation titled A statistical study of selective min-max search in computer chess by Thomas Anantharaman (1990) was published.
At the University of Regina, a dissertation titled A retrograde analysis chess problem solver by Roberts Law (1990) was published.
From the California School of Professional Psychology, a dissertation titled Chessplayers: Gender expectations and self-fulfilling prophecy by L.C. Gilbert (1989) was written. (reference: Children and Chess: A Guide for Educators by Alexey Root, p. 118)
From Northwestern University, a dissertation titled Three decision models for evaluating chess positions by Jia Miene Hsu (1989) was published.
From Rice University, a thesis titled Cognitive organization in chess: Beyond chunking by Robert Berger (1989) at
From the University of Alabama, a dissertation titled A High-Performance Parallel Algorithm to Search Depth-First Game Trees by Robert Hyatt (1988) with chess references.
In 1986, Carl Ebeling wrote a dissertation titled All the Right Moves: A VLSI Architecture for Chess. (source:
From McGill University, a dissertation titled Data structures for chess programs by Jean Goulet (1986) was published.
From the University of Alberta, a dissertation titled Experiments in chess capture search by Prakash Bettadapur (1986) was published.
From the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Coding problem spaces in chess: a psychological study by Perti Saariluoma (1984) was published.
From State University of New York at Buffalo, a dissertation titled A psychological study of the chess trope in literature by John Hilbert (1982) was published.
From the University of Denver, a thesis titled A Comparison of Elements in Chess and Art by Allen Bishop (June 1982) at
From the University of Edinburgh, a dissertation titled Validation of machine-oriented strategies in chess endgames by Timothy Niblett (1982) was published.
From Duquesne University, a dissertation titled A Phenomenological Study of Thinking as it is exemplified during chess playing by Christopher Aanstoos (1982) was published.
E. Berman and D. Melamed published �Oedipal motives in adolescent chess players� in the Journal of Adolescence, 1981.
In 1978, Grandmaster John Nunn of England wrote his dissertation, titled Algebraic Topology and Finite H-Spaces.
From the University of California, Berkeley, a thesis titled CRT chess display controller: research project by Stephen Young (1977) was published.
In 1976, Johan Christian wrote a doctoral dissertation titled Chess and Cognitive Development.
In 1974, Albert Frank wrote a doctoral dissertation titled Chess and Aptitudes. (reference:�� The research was conducted in Zaire.
At Carnegie-Mellon, Hans Berliner wrote a doctoral dissertation titled Chess Computers as Problem Solving: the Development of a Tactics Analyzer (1974).
At Carnegie-Mellon, a dissertation titled Structure and experience in the matching and reproduction of chess patterns by S. H. Ellis (1973) was written.
From the University of California, Davis, a thesis titled Heuristic algorithms for pruning and selective searching of trees used in COKO III, the Cooper-Kozdrowicki chess program by Masahiro Honda (1973) was published.
Kevin Gilmartin and Herbert Simon published �A simulation of memory for chess problems� in Cognitive Psychology, Vol 5, Issue 1, pp. 29-46, 1973.
William Chase and Herbert Simon published �Perception in Chess� in Cognitive Psychology, vol 4, issue 1, pp 55-81, January 1973.
From Michigan State University, a dissertation titled A game at chess by Thomas Middleton: a textual edition base on the manuscripts written by Ralph Crane by Milton Buettner (1972) was published.
From the Center for Informatics Research, University of Florida, Gainesville, a technical report titled Machine learning and pattern recognition in a chess playing program by Stanley Su (1971) was published.
In 1968, world chess champion Tigran Petrosian (1929-1984) wrote a dissertation called Chess Logic, published at Yerevan State University.
In 1968, Barbara Huberman wrote a doctoral dissertation titled A program to play chess end games at Stanford University.� (reference:;jsessionid=4852DC13AED08E9E241E3A81C96BBEB9?cid=2923796 and
Richard Greenblatt published �The Greenblatt chess program� in the Proceedings of the AFIPS Computer Conference, pp. 801-810, November 1967.
At the University of California, a thesis titled The development and testing of an adaptive pattern-oriented chess system by Jeffrey Gould was published.� (source:
George Baylor and Herbert Simon published �A chess mating combination program� in the Proceedings of AFIPS Joint Computer Conference, pp. 431-447, April 1966.
In 1966, the Genetic Psychology Monographs published �Mnemonic virtuosity: A study of chess players,� originally published in 1893 by Alfred Binet.
Arpad Elo published �Ages-Changes in Master Chess Performance� in the Journal of Gerontology, 1965.
Richard Bellman published �On the application of dynamic programming to the determination of optimal play in chess and checkers� in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1965.
Allen Newell and Herbert Simon published �An Example of human chess ply in the light of chess playing programs� in August 1964 and found in the DTIC military library (
From MIT, a thesis titled A chess playing program for the IBM 7090 computer by Alan Kotok (1962) was published.
A. Newall, J. Shaw, and H. Simon published �Chess-playing programs and the problem of complexity� in the IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol 2 Issue 4, pp. 320-335, October 1962.
Herbert Simon and Peter Simon published �Trial and error search in solving difficult problems: Evidence from the game of chess� published in Behavorial Science, Volume 7 Issue 4, pp. 425-429, October 1962.
Alex Bernstein and Michael Roberts published �Computer v. Chess-Player� in Scientific American, June 1958.
J. Kister, P. Stein, S. Ulam, W. Walden, and M. Wells published �Experiments in Chess� in the Journal of the ACM, Vol 4 Issue 2, April 1957.
From American University, a dissertation titled A history of international master chess: 1851-1914 a study in modern institutional history by Bernard Kiernan (1957) was published.
Reuben Fine published �Psychoanalytic observations on chess and chess masters� in Psychoanalysis, Vol 4(3), pp. 7-77, 1956.
Allen Newell published �The chess machine: an example of dealing with a complex task of adaptation� in the Proceedings of AFWIPS Western Joint Computer Conference, pp. 101-108, March 1955.
E. Slater published �Statistics for the chess computer and the factor of mobility� in the Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory, vol 1, issue 1, Feb 1953.
W. Ross Ashby published �Can a mechanical chess-player outplay its designer?� in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 44-57, 1952.
Claude Shannon published �Programming a computer for playing chess� in Philosophical Magazine, Vol 41, Issue 314, 1950.� He also published �A Chess-Playing Machine in the Feb, 1950 issue of Scientific American.
R. Pakenham-Walsh published �Chess as a form of recreational therapy� in the British Journal of Psychiatry, 1949.
N. Gibbons published �Chess in Three and Four Dimensions� in The Mathematical Gazette, 1944.
J. Fleming and S. Strong published �Observations on the use of chess in the therapy of an adolescent boy� in Psychoanalytic Review, 1943.
I.C. Coriat published �The unconscious motives of interest in chess� in Psychoanalytic Review, 1941.
In 1938, James Aitken (1908-1983), 10-time Scottish chess champion, wrote his dissertation on the Lisbon Inquisition and the treatment of George Buchanan (1506-1582), a Scottish historian and humanist scholar.
M. Morse published �A Solution of the problem of infinite play in chess� in the Bulletin of American Mathematical Society in 1938.
B. Karpman published �the psychology of chess� in Psychoanalytic Review, 1937.
From Stanford, a dissertation titled the relation of age to skill of expert chess players by Paul Buttenwieser (1935) was written.
H. Holck published �Effect of caffeine upon chess problem solving� in the Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1937.
Ernest Jones published �The problem of Paul Morphy � A Contribution to the psycho-analysis of chess� in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol 12 in 1931.
In 1925, Alexander Alekhine wrote a dissertation on the prison system in China while at the Sorbonne.
In the early 20th century, Beniamen Blumenfeld (1884-1947), a Russian chess master, wrote a dissertation on the nature of blunders in chess.
From Clark University, Worchester, Massachusetts, a dissertation titled The psychology of chess and of learning to play it by Alfred Alexander Cleveland (1907) was written. (source:
In 1902, Emanuel Lasker defended his dissertation at Erlangen University, titled On Series at Convergence Boundaries.